#!/bin/bash DEFAULT_KONG_IMAGE_REPO="kong" DEFAULT_KONG_IMAGE_NAME="kong-gateway" DEFAULT_KONG_IMAGE_TAG="" DEFAULT_POSTGRES_IMAGE_TAG="13" DEFAULT_POSTGRES_IMAGE_NAME="postgres" DEFAULT_KONG_PASSWORD=kongFTW DEFAULT_APP_NAME="kong-quickstart" DEFAULT_PROXY_PORT=8000 DEFAULT_HTTPS_PROXY_PORT=8443 DEFAULT_ADMIN_PORT=8001 DEFAULT_MANAGER_PORT=8002 DEFAULT_DEVPORTAL_PORT=8003 DEFAULT_FILES_PORT=8004 APP_NAME="${APP_NAME:-$DEFAULT_APP_NAME}" OUTPUT_DIR="${OUTPUT_DIR:-/tmp/kong/quickstart}" # This is a file a user can use to source in env vars for interacting w/ Kong USER_ENV_FILE="${OUTPUT_DIR}/kong.env" # This is a file that is used to pass env vars to the docker run command KONG_ENV_FILE="${OUTPUT_DIR}/${APP_NAME}.env" KONG_IMAGE_REPO="${KONG_IMAGE_REPO:-$DEFAULT_KONG_IMAGE_REPO}" KONG_IMAGE_NAME="${KONG_IMAGE_NAME:-$DEFAULT_KONG_IMAGE_NAME}" KONG_IMAGE_TAG="${KONG_IMAGE_TAG:-$DEFAULT_KONG_IMAGE_TAG}" KONG_DATABASE="postgres" KONG_ROLE="traditional" POSTGRES_IMAGE_NAME="${POSTGRES_IMAGE_NAME:-$DEFAULT_POSTGRES_IMAGE_NAME}" POSTGRES_IMAGE_TAG="${POSTGRES_IMAGE_TAG:-$DEFAULT_POSTGRES_IMAGE_TAG}" POSTGRES_IMAGE="${POSTGRES_IMAGE_NAME}:${POSTGRES_IMAGE_TAG}" POSTGRES_DB="${POSTGRES_DB:-kong}" POSTGRES_USER="${POSTGRES_USER:-kong}" POSTGRES_PASSWORD="${POSTGRES_PASSWORD:-kong}" USE_DEFAULT_PORTS="true" INSTALL_MOCK_SERVICE="${INSTALL_MOCK_SERVICE:-false}" PROXY_PORT="${PROXY_PORT:-$DEFAULT_PROXY_PORT}" HTTPS_PROXY_PORT="${HTTPS_PROXY_PORT:-$DEFAULT_HTTPS_PROXY_PORT}" ADMIN_PORT="${ADMIN_PORT:-$DEFAULT_ADMIN_PORT}" MANAGER_PORT="${MANAGER_PORT:-$DEFAULT_MANAGER_PORT}" DEVPORTAL_PORT="${DEVPORTAL_PORT:-$DEFAULT_DEVPORTAL_PORT}" FILES_PORT="${FILE_PORT:-$DEFAULT_FILES_PORT}" DISPLAY_SUMMARY="${DISPLAY_SUMMARY:-true}" DISPLAY_LOGGING_INFO="${DISPLAY_LOGGING_INFO:-true}" DECK_IMAGE="kong/deck:latest" UNKNOWN_PORT_BIND_LIST=() ENVIRONMENT=() VOLUMES=() ADMIN_API_HEADERS=() KONNECT_REGION="${KONNECT_REGION:-us}" DB_LESS_MODE="false" echo_fail() { printf "\e[31m✘ \033\e[0m$@\n" } echo_pass() { printf "\e[32m✔ \033\e[0m$@\n" } echo_warn() { printf "\e[33m• \033\e[0m$@\n" } echo_pause() { printf "\e[34m⏸︎ \033\e[0m$1\n" } echo_question() { if [ "$2" = "" ]; then printf "\e[33m? \033\e[0m$@\n" else printf "\e[33m? \033\e[0m$@" fi } echo_info() { printf "\e[34mℹ \033\e[0m$1\n" } echo_point() { if [ "$2" = "" ]; then printf "\e[34m→ \033\e[0m$1\n" else printf "\e[34m→ \033\e[0m$1" fi } echo_bullet() { printf "\e[34m• \033\e[0m$1\n" } echo_wait() { if [ "$2" = "" ]; then printf "\e[33m⏲︎ \033\e[0m$1\n" else printf "\e[33m⏲︎ \033\e[0m$1" fi } retry() { local -r -i max_wait="$1"; shift local -r cmd="$@" local -i sleep_interval=2 local -i curr_wait=0 until $cmd do if (( curr_wait >= max_wait )) then echo "ERROR: Command '${cmd}' failed after $curr_wait seconds." return 1 else curr_wait=$((curr_wait+sleep_interval)) sleep $sleep_interval fi done } slugify() { echo "$1" | tr 'A-Z' 'a-z' | sed -e 's/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/-/g' | awk 'BEGIN{OFS="-"}{$1=$1;print $0}' | sed -e 's/--*/-/g' -e 's/^-//' -e 's/-$//' } fetch_konnect_cp() { echo ">fetch_konnect_cp" >> $LOG_FILE local cp_name="${1}" local url="https://${KONNECT_REGION}"'.api.konghq.com/v2/control-planes/?filter\[name\]\[eq\]'"=${cp_name}" local response=$(curl -s --fail-with-body --request GET \ --header "Authorization: Bearer ${KONNECT_PAT}" \ --url "${url}" \ --header 'accept: application/json') local rv=$? echo "${response}" >> $LOG_FILE if [[ $rv -ne 0 ]]; then CONTROL_PLANE_INFO="" else CONTROL_PLANE_INFO=$(echo "${response}" | docker run -i --rm ghcr.io/jqlang/jq:1.7.1 -r '.data[0]') [[ "${CONTROL_PLANE_INFO}" = "null" ]] && { CONTROL_PLANE_INFO="" rv=1 } fi echo "> $LOG_FILE return $rv } create_konnect_cp() { echo ">create_konnect_cp" >> $LOG_FILE local cp_name="${1}" local cp_description="${2}" local cp_cluster_type="${3}" local body="{\"name\":\"$cp_name\",\"description\":\"$cp_description\",\"cluster_type\":\"$cp_cluster_type\"}" local response=$(curl -s --fail-with-body \ --header "Authorization: Bearer ${KONNECT_PAT}" \ --url "https://${KONNECT_REGION}.api.konghq.com/v2/control-planes" \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --header 'accept: application/json' \ --data "${body}") local rv=$? echo "${response}" >> $LOG_FILE if [[ $rv -ne 0 ]]; then CONTROL_PLANE_INFO="" else CONTROL_PLANE_INFO="${response}" fi echo "> $LOG_FILE return $rv } clear_output_dir() { # Clear the output directory of all files except the log file echo ">clear_output_dir" >> $LOG_FILE # create a temporary directory temp_dir=$(mktemp -d) # move each file/directory except for the log file into the temporary directory for file in "${OUTPUT_DIR}"/*; do if [ "${file}" != "${LOG_FILE}" ]; then mv "${file}" "${temp_dir}" fi done # remove the temporary directory and its content rm -rf "${temp_dir}" echo "> $LOG_FILE } parse_konnect_cp() { echo ">parse_konnect_cp" >> $LOG_FILE CONTROL_PLANE_ID=$(echo "${CONTROL_PLANE_INFO}" | docker run -i --rm ghcr.io/jqlang/jq -r '.id') CONTROL_PLANE_NAME=$(echo "${CONTROL_PLANE_INFO}" | docker run -i --rm ghcr.io/jqlang/jq -r '.name') CONTROL_PLANE_ENDPOINT=$(echo "${CONTROL_PLANE_INFO}" | docker run -i --rm ghcr.io/jqlang/jq -r '.config.control_plane_endpoint') CONTROL_PLANE_TELEMETRY_ENDPOINT=$(echo "${CONTROL_PLANE_INFO}" | docker run -i --rm ghcr.io/jqlang/jq -r '.config.telemetry_endpoint') CONTROL_PLANE_DESCRIPTION=$(echo "${CONTROL_PLANE_INFO}" | docker run -i --rm ghcr.io/jqlang/jq -r '.description') echo "Control Plane ID: ${CONTROL_PLANE_ID}" >> $LOG_FILE echo "Control Plane Name: ${CONTROL_PLANE_NAME}" >> $LOG_FILE echo "Control Plane Endpoint: ${CONTROL_PLANE_ENDPOINT}" >> $LOG_FILE echo "Control Plane Telemetry Endpoint: ${CONTROL_PLANE_TELEMETRY_ENDPOINT}" >> $LOG_FILE echo "Control Plane Description: ${CONTROL_PLANE_DESCRIPTION}" >> $LOG_FILE echo "> $LOG_FILE } deck_gateway_sync_konnect() { echo ">deck_gateway_sync_konnect" >> $LOG_FILE local rv=0 local deck_file_path="${1}" local control_plane_name="${2}" local konnect_pat="${3}" docker run --rm -v "${deck_file_path}:/kong.yaml" ${DECK_IMAGE} \ gateway sync \ --konnect-control-plane-name "${CONTROL_PLANE_NAME}" \ --konnect-token "${KONNECT_PAT}" /kong.yaml >> $LOG_FILE 2>&1 rv=$? echo "> $LOG_FILE return $rv } generate_konnect_certs() { echo ">generate_konnect_certs" >> $LOG_FILE openssl req -new -x509 -nodes -newkey rsa:2048 \ -subj "/CN=${APP_NAME}/C=US" -keyout "${OUTPUT_DIR}/key.crt" -out "${OUTPUT_DIR}/tls.crt" >> $LOG_FILE 2>&1 local rv=$? echo "> $LOG_FILE return $rv } deploy_konnect_certs() { local cp_id="${1}" echo ">deploy_konnect_certs" >> $LOG_FILE echo "Generating escaped certificate to ${OUTPUT_DIR}/tls.crt.escaped" >> $LOG_FILE awk 'NF {sub(/\r/, ""); printf "%s\\n",$0;}' "${OUTPUT_DIR}/tls.crt" > "${OUTPUT_DIR}/tls.crt.escaped" echo "Deploying certificate to Konnect Control Plane ${cp_id}" >> $LOG_FILE curl --fail-with-body -s --request POST \ --header "Authorization: Bearer ${KONNECT_PAT}" \ --url "https://${KONNECT_REGION}.api.konghq.com/v2/control-planes/${cp_id}/dp-client-certificates" \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --header 'accept: application/json' \ --data "{\"cert\":\"$(cat ${OUTPUT_DIR}/tls.crt.escaped)\"}" >> $LOG_FILE 2>&1 local rv=$? echo >> $LOG_FILE echo "> $LOG_FILE return $rv } clear_konnect_certs() { echo ">ai_clear_konnect_certs" >> $LOG_FILE rm "${OUTPUT_DIR}/tls.crt" 2>/dev/null rm "${OUTPUT_DIR}/key.crt" 2>/dev/null rm "${OUTPUT_DIR}/tls.crt.escaped" 2>/dev/null echo "> $LOG_FILE } deck_gateway_sync() { echo ">deck_gateway_sync" >> $LOG_FILE local rv=0 local deck_file_path="${1}" docker run --network "${NETWORK_NAME}" --rm -v "${deck_file_path}:/kong.yaml" ${DECK_IMAGE} \ gateway sync '/kong.yaml' --kong-addr "http://${APP_NAME}-gateway:8001" >> $LOG_FILE 2>&1 rv=$? echo "> $LOG_FILE return $rv } deck_file_openapi2kong() { echo ">deck_file_openapi2kong" >> $LOG_FILE local oas_file="${1}" local deck_file_path="${2}" local response=$(cat "${oas_file}" | docker run -i --rm ${DECK_IMAGE} file openapi2kong) local rv=$? if [[ $rv -ne 0 ]]; then echo "Failed to convert OpenAPI specification file to decK format" >> $LOG_FILE return $rv else echo "${response}" > "${deck_file_path}" fi echo "> $LOG_FILE } # first argument is a working directory, the input files must be there # and the output file will be written there deck_file_merge() { echo ">deck_file_merge" >> $LOG_FILE local dir="${1}" local input_file_pattern="${2}" local output_file="${3}" echo "Merging decK files in ${dir} with pattern ${input_file_pattern} to ${output_file}" >> $LOG_FILE local response=$(docker run --rm -v "${dir}:/tmp" --entrypoint /bin/sh ${DECK_IMAGE} \ -c "deck file merge --output-file /tmp/${output_file} /tmp/${input_file_pattern}") local rv=$? if [[ $rv -ne 0 ]]; then echo "Failed to merge decK files: ${response}" >> $LOG_FILE return $rv fi echo "> $LOG_FILE return $rv } deck_file_patch() { echo ">deck_file_patch" >> $LOG_FILE local input_file="${1}" local patch_file="${2}" local output_file="${3}" echo "Patching decK file ${input_file} with ${patch_file} to ${output_file}" >> $LOG_FILE local response=$(cat "${input_file}" | docker run -i --rm -v "${patch_file}:/tmp/patch.yaml" ${DECK_IMAGE} file patch /tmp/patch.yaml) local rv=$? if [[ $rv -ne 0 ]]; then echo "Failed to patch decK file: ${response}" >> $LOG_FILE return $rv else echo "${response}" > "${output_file}" fi echo "> $LOG_FILE return $rv } curl_with_fail() { declare -i rv=0 local OUTPUT_FILE=$(mktemp) declare -a cmd=( curl -L --silent --output "$OUTPUT_FILE" --write-out "%{http_code}" "$@" ) local HTTP_CODE=$("${cmd[@]}") if [[ ${HTTP_CODE} -lt 200 || ${HTTP_CODE} -gt 299 ]] ; then rv=22 fi cat $OUTPUT_FILE >> $LOG_FILE rm $OUTPUT_FILE echo "rv=$rv" return $rv } ensure_docker() { { docker ps -q > /dev/null 2>> $LOG_FILE } || { return 1 } } # ##################################################################################### # Using the filesystem like a hashtable here. Files are keys, values are the contents # This prooved easier then trying to force bash 4 with associative arrays or another # solution. write_env_var() { local environment_dir="${OUTPUT_DIR}/environment" mkdir -p ${environment_dir} local name="${1}" local value="${2}" echo "${value}" > "${environment_dir}/${name}" } read_env_var() { local environment_dir="${OUTPUT_DIR}/environment" local name="${1}" cat "${environment_dir}/${name}" } write_env_file() { local file_path="${1}" mkdir -p $(dirname "${file_path}") local environment_dir="${OUTPUT_DIR}/environment" > "${file_path}" # loop through the environment directory and write the contents to the file for file in ${environment_dir}/* do if [ -f "${file}" ]; then # Ensure it is a file and not a directory file_name=$(basename "${file}") echo "${file_name}=$(< "${file}")" >> "${file_path}" fi done } clear_env() { echo ">clear_env" >> $LOG_FILE rm -f "${OUTPUT_DIR}/environment/*" 2>> $LOG_FILE rm -f "${KONG_ENV_FILE}" 2>> $LOG_FILE echo "> $LOG_FILE } # ##################################################################################### docker_pull_images() { echo ">docker_pull_images" >> $LOG_FILE echo_wait "Downloading Docker images... " noline docker pull ${POSTGRES_IMAGE} >> $LOG_FILE 2>&1 && docker pull ${KONG_IMAGE} >> $LOG_FILE 2>&1 local rv=$? echo "> $LOG_FILE return $rv } destroy_kong() { echo ">destroy_kong" >> $LOG_FILE echo_wait "Destroying previous $APP_NAME containers... " noline docker rm -f $GW_NAME >> $LOG_FILE 2>&1 docker rm -f $DB_NAME >> $LOG_FILE 2>&1 docker network rm "${NETWORK_NAME}" >> $LOG_FILE 2>&1 echo "> $LOG_FILE } prepare_for_new_run() { DB_NAME="${APP_NAME}-database" GW_NAME="${APP_NAME}-gateway" NETWORK_NAME="${APP_NAME}-net" KONG_ENV_FILE="${OUTPUT_DIR}/${APP_NAME}.env" LOG_FILE="${LOG_FILE:-${OUTPUT_DIR}/$APP_NAME.log}" mkdir -p $(dirname "${LOG_FILE}") clear_output_dir } init_network() { echo ">init_network" >> $LOG_FILE docker network create "${NETWORK_NAME}" >> "$LOG_FILE" 2>&1 || true local rv=$? echo "> $LOG_FILE return $rv } wait_for_kong() { echo ">wait_for_kong" >> $LOG_FILE local rv=0 retry 30 docker exec "${GW_NAME}" kong health --v >> "$LOG_FILE" 2>&1 rv=$? echo "> $LOG_FILE return $rv } init_db() { echo ">init_db" >> $LOG_FILE local rv=0 docker run --rm --network="${NETWORK_NAME}" -e "KONG_DATABASE=postgres" \ --env-file "${KONG_ENV_FILE}" "${VOLUMES[@]}" ${KONG_IMAGE} \ kong migrations bootstrap >> $LOG_FILE 2>&1 rv=$? echo "> $LOG_FILE return $rv } wait_for_db() { echo ">wait_for_db" >> $LOG_FILE local rv=0 retry 30 docker exec "$DB_NAME" pg_isready >> $LOG_FILE 2>&1 || rv=$? echo "> $LOG_FILE return $rv } db() { echo ">db" >> $LOG_FILE echo_wait "Starting database... " noline local db_port=0 # not certain why, but the 1 second sleep seems required to allow the socket to fully open and db to be ready docker run -d --name "${DB_NAME}" --network="${NETWORK_NAME}" -e "POSTGRES_DB=${POSTGRES_DB}" -e "POSTGRES_USER=${POSTGRES_USER}" -e "POSTGRES_PASSWORD=${POSTGRES_PASSWORD}" ${POSTGRES_IMAGE} >> $LOG_FILE 2>&1 && \ wait_for_db && \ sleep 1 && \ init_db local rv=$? echo "> $LOG_FILE return $rv } kong() { echo ">kong" >> $LOG_FILE echo_wait "Starting Kong Gateway... " noline if [ "$USE_DEFAULT_PORTS" = true ]; then local proxy_port_bind="-p ${PROXY_PORT}:${DEFAULT_PROXY_PORT}" local proxy_https_port_bind="-p ${HTTPS_PROXY_PORT}:${DEFAULT_HTTPS_PROXY_PORT}" local admin_port_bind="-p ${ADMIN_PORT}:${DEFAULT_ADMIN_PORT}" local manager_port_bind="-p ${MANAGER_PORT}:${DEFAULT_MANAGER_PORT}" local devportal_port_bind="-p ${DEVPORTAL_PORT}:${DEFAULT_DEVPORTAL_PORT}" local files_port_bind="-p ${FILES_PORT}:${DEFAULT_FILES_PORT}" docker run -d --name "${GW_NAME}" --network="${NETWORK_NAME}" \ --env-file "${KONG_ENV_FILE}" ${proxy_port_bind} ${proxy_https_port_bind} ${admin_port_bind} \ ${manager_port_bind} ${devportal_port_bind} ${files_port_bind} \ "${UNKNOWN_PORT_BIND_LIST[@]}" "${VOLUMES[@]}" "${KONG_IMAGE}" \ >> "$LOG_FILE" 2>&1 && \ wait_for_kong && \ sleep 2 else docker run -d --name "$GW_NAME" --network="${NETWORK_NAME}" \ --env-file "${KONG_ENV_FILE}" "${VOLUMES[@]}" -P ${KONG_IMAGE} \ >> $LOG_FILE 2>&1 && \ wait_for_kong && \ sleep 2 fi local rv=$? echo "> $LOG_FILE return $rv } get_dataplane_port() { local endpoint=$(docker port $GW_NAME 8000/tcp 2>/dev/null) if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then local arrIN=(${endpoint//:/ }) echo ${arrIN[1]} else echo "" fi } get_https_dataplane_port() { local endpoint=$(docker port $GW_NAME 8443/tcp 2>/dev/null) if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then local arrIN=(${endpoint//:/ }) echo ${arrIN[1]} else echo "" fi } get_admin_port() { local endpoint=$(docker port $GW_NAME 8001/tcp 2>/dev/null) if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then local arrIN=(${endpoint//:/ }) echo ${arrIN[1]} else echo "" fi } get_manager_port() { local endpoint=$(docker port $GW_NAME 8002/tcp 2>/dev/null) if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then local arrIN=(${endpoint//:/ }) echo ${arrIN[1]} else echo "" fi } get_devportal_port() { local endpoint=$(docker port $GW_NAME 8003/tcp 2>/dev/null) if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then local arrIN=(${endpoint//:/ }) echo ${arrIN[1]} else echo "" fi } get_filesapi_port() { local endpoint=$(docker port $GW_NAME 8004/tcp 2>/dev/null) if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then local arrIN=(${endpoint//:/ }) echo ${arrIN[1]} else echo "" fi } # This function will process a -p argument request # It's expected that the argument will look like # hostport:containerport # This will set the appropriate script level variable # based on the argument process_port_bind_request() { local request="${1}" IFS=':' read -ra KVP <<< "$request" if [[ ${#KVP[@]} -eq 2 ]]; then local container_port_request="${KVP[1]}" if [[ $container_port_request -eq $DEFAULT_PROXY_PORT ]]; then PROXY_PORT="${KVP[0]}" elif [[ $container_port_request -eq $DEFAULT_HTTPS_PROXY_PORT ]]; then HTTPS_PROXY_PORT="${KVP[0]}" elif [[ $container_port_request -eq $DEFAULT_ADMIN_PORT ]]; then ADMIN_PORT="${KVP[0]}" elif [[ $container_port_request -eq $DEFAULT_MANAGER_PORT ]]; then MANAGER_PORT="${KVP[0]}" elif [[ $container_port_request -eq $DEFAULT_DEVPORTAL_PORT ]]; then DEVPORTAL_PORT="${KVP[0]}" elif [[ $container_port_request -eq $DEFAULT_FILES_PORT ]]; then FILES_PORT="${KVP[0]}" else UNKNOWN_PORT_BIND_LIST+=(-p ${request}) fi else echo_fail "Port bind request '${request}' is invalid" exit 1 fi } process_volume_bind_request() { echo ">process_volume_bind_request $@" >> $LOG_FILE local request="${1}" VOLUMES+=(-v ${request}) echo "> $LOG_FILE } # This function will process any user set env vars, and maybe # set some local state for the script. # # The initial use case here is the user has provided KONG_PASSWORD # and secured the admin API, preventing the installation of the # mock service. So this will write a header w/ that password for curl # to use. # # This function expects two arguments: # First the variable name, second the variable value process_environment_variable() { local name="${1}" local value="${2}" if [ "${name}" = "KONG_PASSWORD" ]; then ADMIN_API_HEADERS+=('Kong-Admin-Token: '"${value}") fi } write_standard_env_vars() { write_env_var KONG_DATABASE "${KONG_DATABASE}" write_env_var KONG_PG_HOST "${DB_NAME}" write_env_var KONG_PG_USER "${POSTGRES_USER}" write_env_var KONG_PG_PASSWORD "${POSTGRES_PASSWORD}" write_env_var KONG_ADMIN_LISTEN ", ssl" write_env_var KONG_PROXY_ACCESS_LOG "/dev/stdout" write_env_var KONG_ADMIN_ACCESS_LOG "/dev/stdout" write_env_var KONG_PROXY_ERROR_LOG "/dev/stderr" write_env_var KONG_ADMIN_ERROR_LOG "/dev/stderr" } # Variables provided to the script via the -e VAR=VALUE or -e VAR syntax write_user_provided_env_vars() { if [ ${#ENVIRONMENT[@]} -gt 0 ]; then for item in "${ENVIRONMENT[@]}" do IFS='=' read -ra KVP <<< "$item" if [ "${#KVP[@]}" -gt "1" ]; then write_env_var "${KVP[0]}" "${KVP[1]}" process_environment_variable "${KVP[0]}" "${KVP[1]}" else local value="$(eval echo \$"${KVP[0]}")" write_env_var "${KVP[0]}" "${value}" process_environment_variable "${KVP[0]}" "${value}" fi done fi } # This file could be useful to clients that want to interact with Kong Gateway write_user_env_file() { echo "##############################################################################" > ${USER_ENV_FILE} echo "# The following env file can be sourced and the variables used to " >> ${USER_ENV_FILE} echo "# connect to Kong Gateway" >> ${USER_ENV_FILE} echo "##############################################################################" >> ${USER_ENV_FILE} echo >> ${USER_ENV_FILE} echo "export KONG_PROXY=localhost:$(get_dataplane_port)" >> ${USER_ENV_FILE} echo "export KONG_ADMIN_API=localhost:$(get_admin_port)" >> ${USER_ENV_FILE} local manager_port=$(get_manager_port) [[ -z "$manager_port" ]] || echo "export KONG_MANAGER=localhost:$manager_port" >> ${USER_ENV_FILE} local devportal_port=$(get_devportal_port) [[ -z "$devportal_port" ]] || echo "export KONG_DEV_PORTAL=localhost:$devportal_port" >> ${USER_ENV_FILE} local files_port=$(get_filesapi_port) [[ -z "$files_port" ]] || echo "export KONG_FILES_API=localhost:$files_port" >> ${USER_ENV_FILE} } install_mock_service() { echo ">install_mock_service" >> $LOG_FILE echo_info "Adding mock service at path /mock" if [ "${KONG_ROLE}" = "data_plane" ]; then echo_warn "Mock service installation is not supported in Konnect mode. Skipping..." return 1 fi ## First install the mock service under the admin api services route declare -a params=( --data name=mock --data url=http://httpbin.org/anything ) for h in "${ADMIN_API_HEADERS[@]}" do params+=( -H ) params+=("${h}") done local ctrl_plane_ep="http://localhost:$(get_admin_port)" params+=("${ctrl_plane_ep}/services") declare -i rv=$(curl_with_fail "${params[@]}") if [ $rv -eq 0 ]; then # then install the /mock route to point to the service on Kong Gateway params=( --data 'paths[]=/mock' --data name=mock ) for h in "${ADMIN_API_HEADERS[@]}" do params+=( -H ) params+=("${h}") done params+=("${ctrl_plane_ep}/services/mock/routes") declare -i rv=$(curl_with_fail "${params[@]}") fi echo >> $LOG_FILE echo "> $LOG_FILE return $rv } validate_kong() { echo ">validate_kong" >> $LOG_FILE docker run --rm --network="${NETWORK_NAME}" \ subfuzion/netcat@sha256:7e808e84a631d9c2cd5a04f6a084f925ea388e3127553461536c1248c3333c8a \ -zv "${GW_NAME}" $(get_dataplane_port) >> $LOG_FILE 2>&1 local rv=$? echo "> $LOG_FILE return $rv } usage() { echo "Runs a Docker based Kong Gateway. The following documents the arguments and variables supported by the script." echo echo "Supported arguments:" echo " -r Specify a different docker image registry (Default: $KONG_IMAGE_REPO)" echo " -i Specify a different docker image name (Default: $KONG_IMAGE_NAME)" echo " -t Specify a different docker image tag (Default: $DEFAULT_KONG_IMAGE_TAG)" echo " -a Specify a different name for the quickstart application (Default: $APP_NAME)" echo " -s Specify running Kong Gateway in secure mode." echo " Admin API operations will need to use header 'Kong-Admin-Token: ${DEFAULT_KONG_PASSWORD}'. (Default: false)" echo " -P Requests the usage of the available ports on the host machine instead of the default Kong Gateway ports (Default: false)" echo " Docker will assign ports available on the host to each service" echo " -p Explicitly bind a given host port to a Kong Gateway exposed port (multiple are allowed)." echo " For example, to expose the Admin API port on host port 55202" echo " -p 55202:8001" echo " -e Pass environment variables to the Kong Gateway container" echo " 0-n number of -e arguments are permitted" echo " To pass in a variable with a value in the current environment:" echo " -e KONG_LICENSE_DATA" echo " Or to pass an explicit value for a variable:" echo " -e KONG_ENFORCE_RBAC=on" echo " -v Bind mount a volume to the Kong Gateway container" echo " 0-n number of -v arguments are permitted" echo " -m Installs a test service pointing to httpbin.org. A /mock route is added to utilize it. (Default: false)" echo " -D Runs the quickstart in DB-Less mode and the database container is not started. (Default: false)" echo " -h Shows this help" echo " -d Destroys the current running instance. If you've changed the applicaiton name," echo " include the argument -a " echo echo "Examples:" echo echo " * To Run Kong Gateway with a license, pass the license in via the KONG_LICENSE_DATA variable." echo " Assuming you have the license data stored in KONG_LICENSE_DATA, pass the value in directly." echo " If you're running the script directly on the command line, it would look like this:" echo " ./quickstart -e KONG_LICENSE_DATA" echo " If you're running the script by downloading via curl, it would look like this:" echo " curl -Ls get.konghq.com/quickstart | bash -s -- -e KONG_LICENSE_DATA" echo echo " * To run in licensed mode and enable RBAC, set KONG_LICENSE_DATA and KONG_ENFORCE_RBAC:" echo " ./quickstart -e KONG_LICENSE_DATA -e KONG_ENFORCE_RBAC=on" echo echo "See the source repository for more information or to contact the developers:" echo " https://github.com/Kong/get.konghq.com" exit 0 } secure() { echo_warn "Secure mode enabled (requires Kong Gateway Enterprise to take effect)." ENVIRONMENT+=( KONG_PASSWORD=$DEFAULT_KONG_PASSWORD ) ENVIRONMENT+=( KONG_AUDIT_LOG=on ) ENVIRONMENT+=( KONG_LOG_LEVEL=debug ) ENVIRONMENT+=( KONG_ENFORCE_RBAC=on ) ENVIRONMENT+=( KONG_ADMIN_GUI_AUTH=basic-auth ) ENVIRONMENT+=( KONG_ADMIN_GUI_SESSION_CONF='{"storage": "kong", "secret": "kongFTW", "cookie_name": "admin_session", "cookie_samesite":"off", "cookie_secure":false}' ) } maybe_port_issue() { local re1='^.*listen tcp4 [0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}:([0-9]{1,5}): bind: address already in use' local re2='^.*Bind for 0\.0\.0\.0:([0-9]{1,5}) failed: port is already allocated' local er=$(tail -n 2 $LOG_FILE) if [[ $er =~ $re1 ]] || [[ $er =~ $re2 ]]; then echo_fail "Could not bind to port: ${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" echo echo_warn "Verify that the Kong Gateway default ports (8000-8004) are available on your host machine before trying again" echo_warn "You can also use the -p flag which will use available ports on the host machine" fi } destroy() { echo_wait "Stopping and removing containers and networks: " noline docker rm -f "${GW_NAME}" >/dev/null 2>&1 docker rm -f "${DB_NAME}" >/dev/null 2>&1 docker network rm "${NETWORK_NAME}" >/dev/null 2>&1 echo_pass "" echo echo_bullet "Thanks for trying the Kong Gateway quickstart!" echo_bullet "The quickest way to get started in production is with Kong Konnect" echo echo_point "https://get.konghq.com/konnect-free" echo exit 0 } display_logging_info() { echo_info "Debugging info logged to:" echo " $LOG_FILE" } display_summary() { echo echo "🐵 Kong Gateway Ready 🐵" echo echo "=======================================================" echo " ⚒️ Using Kong Gateway" echo "=======================================================" echo local dp_http_port="$(get_dataplane_port)" local dp_https_port="$(get_https_dataplane_port)" local ctrl_plane_port="$(get_admin_port)" echo_bullet "Kong Gateway Data Plane endpoints:" if [ ! -z "${dp_http_port}" ]; then echo " HTTP = http://localhost:${dp_http_port}" fi if [ ! -z "${dp_https_port}" ]; then echo " HTTPS = https://localhost:${dp_https_port}" fi echo echo_bullet "This script has written an environment file you can" echo " source to make connecting to Kong Gateway easier. " echo " Run this command to source these variables into your" echo " environment:" echo echo_point "source ${USER_ENV_FILE}" echo echo_bullet "Now you can make requests to your Kong Gateway using " echo " variables from the file, for example:" echo echo_point 'curl -s $KONG_PROXY/mock' echo echo "=======================================================" echo " ⚒️ Administer Kong Gateway" echo "=======================================================" if [ "${KONG_ROLE}" = "data_plane" ]; then echo echo "Kong Gateway is running in data plane mode." echo if [ "${KONG_KONNECT_MODE}" == "on" ]; then echo "To administer the gateway, use the Konnect Control Plane." else echo "To administer the gateway, use the Control Plane" echo " configured when deployed." fi else local ctrl_plane_ep="https://localhost:${ctrl_plane_port}" echo echo_bullet "Kong Gateway Admin API endpoint:" echo " HTTP = http://localhost:${ctrl_plane_port}" echo echo_bullet "To administer the gateway with curl:" echo echo_point "curl" noline for h in "${ADMIN_API_HEADERS[@]}" do printf " -H " printf "'%s'" "$h" done printf " -s ${ctrl_plane_ep}\n" fi echo echo_bullet "To stop the gateway run:" echo echo_point "curl -s https://get.konghq.com/quickstart |" noline printf ' \ \n' echo " bash -s -- -d -a $APP_NAME" echo echo "Or remove the Docker container directly." } main() { local do_usage=false local do_destroy=false local securely=false while getopts "a:r:i:t:e:p:v:hdPsmD" o; do case "${o}" in r) KONG_IMAGE_REPO=${OPTARG} ;; i) KONG_IMAGE_NAME=${OPTARG} ;; t) KONG_IMAGE_TAG=${OPTARG} ;; e) ENVIRONMENT+=("${OPTARG}") ;; v) process_volume_bind_request ${OPTARG} ;; a) APP_NAME=${OPTARG} ;; h) do_usage=true ;; d) do_destroy=true ;; s) securely=true ;; p) process_port_bind_request ${OPTARG} ;; P) USE_DEFAULT_PORTS=false ;; D) DB_LESS_MODE=true KONG_DATABASE=off ;; m) INSTALL_MOCK_SERVICE=true ;; esac done # This is a helper for when a user has specified the well known # OSS image name 'kong', but hasn't overriden the image registry. # Then the script will help the user out by not specifying an image registry # because Kong OSS is pulled like: docker pull kong:2.8.1-ubuntu if [ "$KONG_IMAGE_REPO" = "$DEFAULT_KONG_IMAGE_REPO" ] && [ "$KONG_IMAGE_NAME" = "kong" ]; then KONG_IMAGE_REPO="" fi if [ -z "$KONG_IMAGE_REPO" ] then KONG_IMAGE="${KONG_IMAGE_NAME}:${KONG_IMAGE_TAG}" else KONG_IMAGE="${KONG_IMAGE_REPO}/${KONG_IMAGE_NAME}:${KONG_IMAGE_TAG}" fi prepare_for_new_run echo ">main $@" >> $LOG_FILE if [ "$do_usage" = true ] ; then usage fi if [ "$do_destroy" = true ] ; then echo "Destroying local Kong Gateway Deployment..." echo destroy else echo_bullet "Deploying Kong Gateway to Docker..." if [ ${DISPLAY_LOGGING_INFO} = "true" ] ; then display_logging_info fi fi ensure_docker || { echo_fail "Docker is not available, check $LOG_FILE"; exit 1 } if [ "$SKIP_KONG_START" != "true" ]; then docker_pull_images && echo_pass "" || { echo_warn "Docker image download failed, check $LOG_FILE. Continuing..."; } fi if [ "$SKIP_KONG_START" != "true" ]; then destroy_kong && echo_pass "" fi if [ "$securely" = true ] ; then secure fi write_standard_env_vars write_user_provided_env_vars write_env_file "${KONG_ENV_FILE}" init_network || { echo_fail "Initalization steps failed, check $LOG_FILE"; exit 1 } if [ "$DB_LESS_MODE" != "true" ]; then db && echo_pass "" || { echo_fail "DB initialization failed, check $LOG_FILE"; exit 1 } fi if [ "$SKIP_KONG_START" != "true" ]; then kong && echo_pass "" || { echo_fail "" echo echo "Kong Gateway initialization failed, check $LOG_FILE"; maybe_port_issue exit 1 } fi echo_wait "Validating kong state... " noline validate_kong && echo_pass "" || { echo_fail "" echo echo "Validation failed, could not connect to Kong Gateway. Check $LOG_FILE" maybe_port_issue exit 1 } if [ "$INSTALL_MOCK_SERVICE" = true ] ; then install_mock_service && { echo_pass "mock service installed. /mock -> httpbin.org" } || { echo_fail "Installing mock service failed, check $LOG_FILE"; exit 1 } fi write_user_env_file if [ "$DISPLAY_SUMMARY" = true ] ; then display_summary fi echo "> $LOG_FILE } # If a user wants to source this script they need to provide this argument # otherwise it's a challenge to detect execution vs sourcing in all contexts # (like piping from a curl or cat command) if [ "${1}" != "--source" ]; then echo main "$@" fi